LEVIARCOIN 20% BONUS! DRMoB and In-app Purchases Tool ICO LIVE



We are a new gaming company, our core business is making new great browser and mobile games.

We concentrate on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments.
Our objective is to focus on delivering successful and easy-to-use games.

Along with Game development, we take up on electronic micropayments, this is why we are launching LeviarCoin, a ready-to-use fraud prevention over Blockchain software.

In few words

LeviarCoin, by its nature, is not only a software protection tool, but also a currency.


  • Create a currency that can be easily traded or used as in-app/software currency.
  • Build a protection library to inhibit frauds in online applications and games.
  • Embrace open-source philosophy by releasing all source code of software, libraries and contributing with patches.

CryptoNote based

LeviarCoin is a CryptoNote-based currency, which implements its known main features:

  • Untraceable payments

    It provides users with a completely anonymous payment scheme and implements the ring signature technology which allows you to sign a message on behalf of a group. Learn more…
  • Unlinkable transactions

    By using a variation of the Diffie-Hellman exchange protocol, a receiver has multiple unique one-time addresses derived from his single public key. After funds are sent to these addresses they can only be redeemed by the receiver; and it would be impossible to cross-link these payments. Learn more…
  • Double-spending proof

    Nobody is able to spend the same money twice — even if all his signatures are anonymous. Every signature contains a key image. These key images are used to prevent double-spending. Learn more…
  • Blockchain analysis resistance

    Non-repeating one-time addresses and mixed keys in ring signatures make the whole blockchain resistant to analysis. Learn more…
  • Egalitarian Proof of Work

    The proof of work mechanism acts as a voting system. CryptoNote brings this equality with its egalitarian proof of work, utilizing built-in CPU instructions, which are very hard and too expensive to implement in special purpose devices, but perfectly suitable for ordinary PCs. Learn more…
  • Adaptive limits

    A decentralized payment system must not depend on a single person’s decisions, even if this person is a developer. Learn more…

Plus, a set of features that will be introduced:

  • Integration API

    LeviarCoin daemon and DRMoB system communication is achieved by sending and receiving encrypted commands on the default port:
    const int DRM_NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT = 19002;
  • Anti-Fraud/Cheat System and DRMoB

    Is an anti-tamper technology and Digital Rights Management over Blockchain (DRMoB) scheme.
    As well as to protect software integrity, is designed to prevent players of online games from gaining unfair advantage through the use of third-party tools.Why LeviarCoin:
    • Blockchain is immutable, changing the history requires too much effort compared to benefits
    • High availability, virtually infinite scaling
    • Blockchain is cheaper to use than known DRM servers
    • Everyone holds a copy of Blockchain and no one “owns” it


    LeviarCoin is an open-source, secure, private and anonymous currency, based on CryptoNote technology.

    Crowdfunding is LIVE NOW! Go to ICO Platform

    We concentrate on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments.
    Our objective is to focus on delivering successful and easy-to-use games.

    Along with Game development, we take up on electronic micropayments, this is why we are launching LeviarCoin, a ready-to-use fraud prevention (in-app purchases+DRM) over Blockchain software entirely developed in C++

    Integration API

    LeviarCoin DRMoB system communication is achieved by sending and receiving encrypted commands:

    Check out the demo!
    The purpose of this demo is to show how LeviarCoin Integration API basic functions will work:

    Anti-Fraud/Cheat System and DRMoB
    Is an anti-tamper technology and Digital Rights Management over Blockchain (DRMoB) scheme.
    As well as to protect software integrity, is designed to prevent players of online games from gaining unfair advantage through the use of third-party tools.

    Why LeviarCoin:
    Blockchain is immutable, changing the history requires too much effort compared to benefits
    High availability, virtually infinite scaling
    Blockchain is cheaper to use than known DRM servers
    Everyone holds a copy of Blockchain and no one “owns” it

    Visit website for full informations: https://leviarcoin.org

    Visual identity



    Bonus Details:
    2017-04-15 to 2017-04-21: 40% (0.0003 BTC/XLC)
    2017-04-22 to 2017-05-05: 30% (0.00035 BTC/XLC)
    2017-05-06 to 2017-05-26: 20% (0.0004 BTC/XLC)
    2017-05-27 to 2017-06-16: 10% (0.00045 BTC/XLC)
    2017-06-17 to 2017-07-09: 0% (0.0005 BTC/XLC)


    Extra-Bonus Details:
    Direct deposit bonus! Deposit 1 BTC / 25 ETH min. to access these extra-bonus:

    Amount   Extra bonus (%)
    1 BTC / 25 ETH   +0.5%
    2 BTC / 50 ETH   +1.5%
    5 BTC / 125 ETH   +5%
    10+ BTC / 250+ ETH   +12%


    Follow Us on Twitter! @leviarcoin_fdn https://twitter.com/leviarcoin_fdn

    Escrow details

    Do NOT send amounts smaller than 0.02 BTC / 0.05 ETH.
    Any deposit is subject to transaction and escrow fees.

    Legendary Escrow service provided by: SebastianJu

    Escrow service is applied only for BTC investments
    Alt-coins investments will be hosted directly by our Platform
    The bitcoin escrow address is ***NOT FOR DIRECT INVESTING***:


    Check if your investment is forwarded to the escrow address and alarm me when this did not happen!

    ONLY invest after reading my terms regarding how to invest so that a refund can happen for you because you sent your investment provable. Check the safety I can provide, the refund terms and the refund fees, including the minimum refund fee:

    Please check occassionally that the escrow address in OP is the same like it is in escrow post and inform me quickly and negrep the dev if it changed.

    LeviarCoin investment Platform

    ICO will be considered successful completed if we reach a minimum total of 100 BTC value (BTC+ETH)
    If 100 BTC target will not be reached, investors will be refunded

    We will receive funds when hitting these milestones:
    40% at the end of ICO, when we release client sources and XLC distribution is over
    20% after releasing client update with Integration API
    20% after releasing iOS, Android and PHP libraries to easily integrate with LeviarCoin client
    20% along with publishing the new version of the client that allow to manage DRM over blockchain

    Unsold coins (after 9th July)

    All unsold coins after ICO will be burned

    Maximum Supply: 54,000,000 XLC
    P2P Port: 18001
    RPC Port: 19001
    DRM Layer Port: 19002
    Block time: 60 seconds
    Difficulty adjustment: Every block
    Initial block reward: ~9 XLC
    Coin emission rate (per block) S=Supply G=Already Generated Coins: (S - G) >> 22


    Official bounties document


    Bring a friend Bounty

    If you bring friends, you will earn % based on their investment:
    - 0.25% XLC from 0.05 BTC to 0.1 BTC - from 1 ETH to 3 ETH
    - 0.5% XLC from 0.101 BTC to 1 BTC - from 3.01 to 25 ETH
    - 1.5% XLC over 1 BTC - over 25 ETH
    - 2% XLC over 10 BTC - over 250 ETH
    - 3% XLC over 50 BTC - over 1000 ETH

    Top 3 of the week Bounty

    To award the most active investors of the week, every Sunday, we distribute a “2,000 XLC bonus”
    Divided between top 3 investors of the week:
    1° - 1,000 XLC
    2° - 750 XLC
    3° - 250 XLC

    Twitter/Social Bounty

    The bounty for Twitter and other social networks is Min. 50 XLC - Max. 5000 XLC (based on your followers and quantity of posts)
    To join Social bounty make 2 posts / wk or 4-6 posts / wk until ICO starts sharing/retweeting our website link/tweets (Sharing of unique content increases the bounty)

    Registration Bounties

    Register for ICO at https://ico.leviarcoin.org/signup
    Every registration with at least one deposit will give a bonus of 100 XLC

    To get to this bounty you need to verify your e-mail address and reply to this thread writing the code you received
    Note: you need to make a minimum investment of 0.02 BTC / 0.05 ETH.


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