LEOcoin - Official LEOcoin


What is LEOcoin?

Technical information about LEOcoin
LEOcoin (LEO) is a peer-to-peer digital currency and open source software project. LEOcoin creation and transfer is based on an open source protocol and is not managed by any central authority.

LEOcoin is an altered version of Litecoin and for two years used scrypt-Jane as a proof-of-work (POW) and proof-of-stake (POS) algorithm with a modified nFactor. In July 2016 LEOcoin switched to a sole proof-of-stake procedure. Under PoS users are asked to prove ownership of a certain stack of LEOcoins. This makes the LEOcoin network more secure and over time creates new LEOcoin without consuming large amounts of energy.

The LEOcoin source code on GitHub mentions following properties:

•   LEOcoin algorithm: scrypt-Jane
•   Maximum number of LEOcoins: 1 Billion LEO
•   Premined LEO Company Stock: 50 Million LEO (5%)
•   Block Time: variable
•   Minimum Stack age: 24 hours
•   Maximum Stack age: 5 years
•   Difficulty: Retarget every block
•   No block Halving Rate
•   Block Award: stake interest
•   First block: 15th of June 2014 (15:23:02)
•   Switch to PoS: block 1071500 on 1st of  July 2016 (13:43:03)

PoS operates based on variation difficulty - coins are generated based on age and number of coins in respective wallet so previous PoW (Proof-of-Work) block size of 20 LEOcoin is no longer applicable, block time of 1 minute remained unchanged.

User information regarding LEOcoin

•   open for all to stake
•   can be exchanged for cc & fiat currency (BTC, USD, GBP, EUR)
•   pseudonymous
•   secure
•   user friendly
•   part of a growing community of entrepreneurs

PoS - Approximate annual percentage reward

•   Wallets with a balance under 1,000 LEOcoin get minimal stake (if any)
•   Wallets with a balance from 1,000-4,999 LEOcoin get 10% annual stake interest
•   Wallets with a balance from 5,000-49,999 LEOcoin get 15% annual stake interest
•   Wallets with a balance over 50,000 LEOcoin get 20% annual stake interest

Also see: https://www.leocoin.org/WhatisProofofStake.aspx

LEOcoin White Paper


What is the LEOcoin Foundation?
The LEOcoin Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the development of LEOcoin. The mission of the LEOcoin Foundation is to promote the use of LEOcoin and other legitimate digital currencies. Currently the LEOcoin Foundation holds 10 million LEOcoin.

Goals of the LEOcoin Foundation
Through PR, lobbying and providing information to the cryptocurrency world, general public, entrepreneurs and policymakers, the LEOcoin Foundation seeks make LEOcoin one of the leading digital currencies. LEOcoin Foundation expects that LEOcoin and other legitimate digital currencies will ultimately form a key component in the global monetary system.

Actions by the LEOcoin Foundation on behalf of LEOcoin

-   Promote LEOcoin with PR, news-updates and videos:

o   in social media
o   with technological policy makers
o   amongst entrepreneurs all over the world

-   Represent LEOcoin in the cryptocurrency world by:

o   joining forums to inform about LEOcoin and to answer questions
o   getting listed on websites that show digital currencies by market capital
o   support mining pools and miners
o   teaming up with leading cryptocurrency exchanges

-   Support projects that endorse the distribution and use of LEOcoin, like:

o   ATM machines
o   API for web developers
o   Online payment systems
o   Merchant promotion (for merchants see: http://leocoinmerchants.com/)
o   LEOcoin Wallets

Important Links & Downloads

LEOcoin Foundation

-   http://leocoinfoundation.org/

Account for donations in LEOcoin: LWddTAj1UkJxZPyobBrmuQZFCQN9VS8jq7

LEOcoin Introduction Video

-   English http://view.vzaar.com/2512948/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false

-   Arabic http://view.vzaar.com/2512903/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Chinese http://view.vzaar.com/2512919/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Croatian http://view.vzaar.com/2512928/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   French http://view.vzaar.com/2513043/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   German http://view.vzaar.com/2513172/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Hindi http://view.vzaar.com/2513223/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Hungarian http://view.vzaar.com/2513269/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Japanese http://view.vzaar.com/2513320/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Polish http://view.vzaar.com/2513376/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Portuguese/Brazil http://view.vzaar.com/2513471/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Russian http://view.vzaar.com/2513529/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Serbian http://view.vzaar.com/2513574/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Slovak http://view.vzaar.com/2513620/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Slovenian http://view.vzaar.com/2513670/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Spanish http://view.vzaar.com/2513793/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Turkey http://view.vzaar.com/2513840/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false
-   Urdu http://view.vzaar.com/2514113/player?autoplay=true&looping=true&border=false

Wallet Downloads

-   Windows 32 &64 bit, Mac OS and Linux, Android App and IOS - http://www.leocoin.org/Default.aspx#about
-   Installation guide http://www.learnearnown.com/assets/Stuff/LEOcoin%20PoS%20wallet%20installation%20guide.pdf
-   Download the blockchain (for experts): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B06_njFd7yzseElfMURQcW94d1k&usp=sharing

Block Explorer

-   Official LEOcoin Block Explorer http://explorer.leocoin.org/
-   Third party Block Explorer (from the former LEO2moon mining pool) http://insight.leo2moon.com/
-   Third party Block Explorer (Cryptobe) http://cryptobe.com/chain/LEOcoin
-   Third party Block Explorer (Block Experts) https://www.blockexperts.com/leo - with LEOcoin Rich-List

Distribution of LEOcoin

-   Official LEOcoin distribution https://www.leocoin.org/LEODistribution.aspx

LEOcoin Source Code

-   Official LEOcoin source code (GitHub) https://github.com/Leocoin-project/LEOcoin

Market Cap and Rank Listings

-   Solid top 15 place on CoinMarketCap http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/views/market-cap-by-total-supply/
-   Cryptocoin Charts http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/coins/show/leo
-   World Coin Index https://www.worldcoinindex.com/coin/leocoin
-   CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/leocoin

LEOcoin Exchanges

-   Official LEOcoin Exchange – app. 21,000 users (London, UK) https://www.leoxchange.com/ - 4 trading pairs
-   LEOBIT LEOcoin Exchange – app. 1,850 users (Ljubljana, Slovenia) https://leobit.net/ - 2 trading pairs
-   Bitcoin Trading Ltd. Thailand https://bx.in.th/BTC/LEO/ - 1 trading pair
-   c-cex.com https://c-cex.com - 5 trading pairs
-   Livecoin https://www.livecoin.net/trade/index - 4 trading pairs
-   Cyptopia https://www.cryptopia.co.nz - 7 trading pairs
-   crypto-trade.net crypto-trade.net - 15 trading pairs
-   Crypto DAO https://cryptodao.com/site/index/LEO] - 3 trading pairs
-   TradeSatoshi https://tradesatoshi.com/Exchange?market=LEO_BTC
-   Megacrypton https://live.megacrypton.com - 4 trading pairs


  • Bitcoin
  • Creditbit
  • Dash
  • Dogecoin
  • Dotcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Feathercoin
  • Litecoin
  • Monero
  • Unobtanium


  • Australian dollar
  • British pound
  • Canadian dollar
  • Chinese yuan
  • Euro
  • Hong Kong dollar
  • Japanese yen
  • Russian ruble
  • Swiss franc
  • US dollar

LEOcoin APPs

-   LEOcoin App (3rd party) http://www.leocoinapp.com/

LEOcoin Facebook Pages

-   Official LEOcoin page https://www.facebook.com/LEOcoin.org
-   LEOcoin Club (fan page) https://www.facebook.com/LeoCoin-Club-1614487915462081/?fref=ts
-   LEOBIT Exchange https://www.facebook.com/LEObitLEObit/
-   Official LEOcoin Exchange https://www.facebook.com/leocoinexchange/


Follow LEOcoin on Twitter https://twitter.com/LEOcoinORG
Follow LEOcoin Foundation on Twitter https://twitter.com/LEOcoin_Fdn_CIC

RULES on this moderated thread

This thread is about LEOcoin and will moderated by the LEOcoin Foundation. This thread is not the place to discuss third party business. For questions with regard to LEO Ltd., LEOcrowd, myLEOtravel or LEOxChange, please contact their support.

Contribute to the quality of this thread by a) sharing relevant and verifiable information; and b) asking questions that display genuine interest in LEOcoin, its owners and its development.

-   What Behaviour do we favour?

o   Be Excellent To Each Other
o   Not making this a Asshatchery (A place where asshats congeal, usually gutters and online chat rooms. Don’t Be An Asshat!)
o   Respect the topic
o   Discuss ideas, not people

-   What will be deleted?

o   Posts from known trolls, asshats, crybabies and wanna-bee’s
o   Unfounded critique
o   Personal attacks
o   Irrelevant posts about third parties, their products or services or support
o   Advertising or pumping

-   How this forum will be cleaned?

Post that go against the rules can be deleted any time. To keep this forum accessible and readable we will regularly remove older posts when they:

o   are no longer relevant (e.g. when an event has passed)
o   are now common knowledge (e.g. when the new exchange is no longer a ‘new’ one)
o   are sufficiently answered elsewhere