As you know Arctic Coin is current growing at quite high rate there market cap also increasing .
So here is guide how to start you own ArcticCoin master node in Windows PC or vps
Download version as per your pc :-
Where to buy ArcticCoin ??
This 2 exchange is best right now
Step 1. Create an address of zero wallet
Run wallet Arctic Core on your computer.
In the top menu select “Tools” - “Debug Console”
At the command prompt, enter the console command:
getnewaddress 0
Get the address of zero wallet
Step 2. Create a transaction on 1000 ARC
At the command prompt, enter the console command
AMAUKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXb9y2AK - address the new wallet that was created in Step 1.
Get the transaction number
Step 3. Generate a private key
Now we need to create goldmineprivkey
To do this, enter the command line console
goldmine genkey
Get the private key
Step 4. Edit the configuration file arcticcoin.conf
In the top menu select “Tools” - “Open the configuration file”
Or, go to the folder in which you installed the wallet and open arcticcoin.conf file, for example, using Notepad.
Default folder with a wallet found at C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Arctic
The file records the arcticcoin.conf
server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 goldminenode=1 goldminenodeprivkey=6vzaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB7USLp externalip=
6vzaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB7USLp - This private key obtained in Step 3.
externalip= - specify your external ip-address.
Step 5. Edit the configuration file goldmine.conf
First we need to know output index of the transaction, which we sent 1000 ARC
At the command prompt, enter the console command
goldmine outputs
Come out
The figure at the end of the line - that is output index, we need
Next, go to the folder in which you installed the wallet, and open the file goldmine.conf
In this file, make a record
gm1 - the serial number of your Goldmine, if you run a few Goldmine, the following can be gm2, gm3 etc. - external ip-address of your computer on which you run Goldmine
6vzaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXB7USLp - This private key obtained in Step 3
18c68a3883XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXb58fc3918b6e4 - This transaction number obtained in Step 2
0 - output index, which we learned earlier in this step
Save the file and close the wallet.
Step 6. Check the connection and run Goldmine
In the section “Transactions”, on the contrary of the transaction, which was sent in 1000 ARC in Step 2, put things on the icon. We wait 15 confirm.
Note that the icon “check mark” in the transactions wallet comes with 6 confirmations, but in order to run Goldmine must wait 15 confirmations
At the command prompt, enter the console command
goldmine start-all
We get the following message
If the received message in the status triggered Goldmine - “result” : “successful”, then everything is fine - the launch was successful Goldmine.
As soon as a transaction in which we sent to the 1000 ARC zero wallet confirmed - in the section “Transactions” in front of this transaction clock icon will change to the icon “check”, launched Goldmine ARC start producing coins, and transactions, you will see the number of coins produced.
If the received message in the status triggered Goldmine - “result” : “failed”, an error occurred while launching Goldmine.
Go through all the steps again and start the Goldmine.
IMPORTANT! If you turn off your computer or you will not have an internet connection more than 1 hour, then turn off your Goldmine.
About an hour after entering the “goldmine start-all” command, you can test the functionality of running Goldmine, entering the following command in the console:
goldmine list-conf
If “status”: “ENABLED”, the Goldmine node running. If “status”: “MISSING”, the node is taken off and you need to check the settings Goldmine node and check whether all the starting conditions are met Goldmine node (external ip-address, open port 7209).
All set up now start generating income every day ..
Happy earning ……………………