[BXC][Bitcedi :: upto 106% Fixed deposit Interest with Encrypted Messaging]


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Bitcedi is a cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. It is based on CryptoNote and anonymous technology and updated with unique untraceable encrypted messaging system and blockchain based deposits. Nobody owns or controls Bitcedi, it uses peer-to-peer technology and fair ASIC-resistant PoW mining process to operate with no central authority.

Bitcedi is a community driven cryptocurrency, easy to mine, meant to be widely accepted by merchants, consumers and the normal day to day person without any hussle.

Bitcedi provides instant worldwide privacy protected transactions and untraceable encrypted messaging transfers with almost zero processing fees in decentralized peer-to-peer users network. Mathematics secures the BXC network and empowers individuals to control their own finances and information.

We are still developing, and our main efforts, will be into building the user base community as much as we have the mining community here.
We intend to make Bitcedi an ecceptable form of payment for most activities in the the African region and the world at large, as well as the integration into various systems where hope to achieve a wide use of Bitcedi. Setting up vendor points for Bitcedi transactions in various towns and villages is one way we are looking at this which intends to also provide employment opportunity for some idle hands considering the high rate of unemployment in Africa. In a nutshell, trading will be available very soon for online community but heh! there’s a bigger picture with Bitcedi.

Links to directly download, install and sync the latest BXC Wallets:

Bitcedi Source
Bitcedi Wallet Source
Bitcedi Windows Command Line Interface
Bitcedi Windows 32bit Wallet
Bitcedi Windows 64bit Wallet

Bitcedi Linux Command Line Interface



  • 0% Pre-mine
  • Mining algorithm: POW, CryptoNight
  • Maximum BXC number: 8 589 869 056 BXC
  • Block reward: initial reward of 80; halves every 6 Months
  • Block target time: 4 minutes
  • Difficulty: Retargets at every block
  • Decimal Points: 8
  • Minimum transaction fee: 0.001 BXC
  • P2P Port: 55008
  • Rpc Port: 65084

Some Features

  • Instant anonymous transactions notifications.
  • Instant untraceable encrypted messages.
  • Fix deposit with interest of upto 106% per year
  • Built in Pool Mining
  • Go easy with QR code support.
  • Fast Bitcedi network synchronization.
  • Wallet encryption and advanced backup/restore options.


It’s very important to include the paymentID when sending coins to Cryptopia, that is sort of your main account address.


  • 100 BXC for twitter (retweet)
  • 100 BXC for twitter (follow)
  • 100 BXC for facebook (share)
  • 100 BXC for facebook (like)
  • 700 BXC Translation
  • More coming soon …

Bitcedi in other Languages


CPU and GPU mining give similar results, but depend on the hardware. CPU mining is generally more energy efficient.

Links to directly download, install and sync the latest BXC Wallets:

Bitcedi Source
Bitcedi Windows Command Line Interface
Bitcedi Windows 32bit Wallet
Bitcedi Windows 64bit Wallet

Bitcedi Linux Command Line Interface

Our pool is ready! Come join forces in solving that Bitcedi Block. Grin

CPU and GPU mining give similar results, but depend on the hardware. CPU mining is generally more energy efficient.

How to mine with the CLI release

  • 1. Download CLI release from https://github.com/lulworm/bitcedi/releases
  • 2. Extract the release to any folder or directory
  • 3. Run the daemon, bitcedid. Then start bitcediwallet and open or create a Bitcedi wallet. You can later import it to the GUI wallet.
  • 4. In bitcediwallet, type “startmining x”, x being the number of CPU cores you wish to mine with. Leaving x blank will result in only 1 CPU core used for mining.
  • 5. Check your hash rate by typing “show_hr” in bitcedid. Hide it by typing “hide_hr”. To see more commands in bitcedid and bitcediwallet type “help”.


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