1. The real use of XDE2: “The massive marketing machine” is to primarily to give the opportunity to those to earn coin that has strong value ($2.21) a coin to anyone willing to participate (Member or higher).
2. Those that see the enormous potential of XDE2 will buy in raising the price.
3. Customers that will purchase XDE2 to get the “Massive Marketing machine” packages for their coin or to promote their projects. It could be they want to to promote their blockchain service, or their coin or their new exchange or anything Crypto related thats ethical. No no shitcoins will be accepted at any price. You, or your project must be very established.
The way it will work is I will set flat rate prices for marketing packages, the funds will be sent to the community wallet in the form of XDE2 , so everyone can clearly and easily track it.
When the project is complete, rewards will be paid out of the community to the workers, for the work on that project in the form of XDE2. We will only focus on 1 project at a time until its term is finished.

Do a Name Claim on either of the Block Explorers listed in this thread and PM your Address to Woody20285
Do at least 3 promotional posts (tweets,chatbox,facebook) in this thread each week. Payments for the previous week will be made the following Tuesday.
Earn XDE2 each week in the Marketing Campaign (Below)
See all the ways to earn - including 2 XDE2 each week for not selling your stash!
Note: To earn a signature reward, or ANYTHING called a “BONUS” you MUST do a name claim, and post at least 3 promotional links.
You DONT have to post every week to get the signature reward, but the weeks you do, you will be paid.
- Jr. Member: Links allowed. Max 150 characters.
- Member: Unlimited length.
- Full: Color allowed.
- Sr. Member: Size allowed
- Hero: Background color allowed
- Legendary: 5 XDE2 COIN PER WEEK
. XDE II Only 26 K Coins. Unique.
. ███████████████████████████ ● | Massive rewards given weekly for promotion @$2.50 a coin!! | ● RARE
[color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1310435.0][b][color=#88792f]XDE II [/color] [color=black]Only 26 K Coins. Unique.[/color][/b][/url]
[color=#F1F2F4].[/color] [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1310435.0][color=#c5b358]███████████████████████████[/color] [b][color=black]● [color=#757575][/color] | Massive rewards given weekly for promotion @ $2.50 a coin| ● [color=#AFAFAF][color=#bfaa45]RARE[/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
Go to here : http://www.presstab.pw/phpexplorer/XDE2/claim.php to do the Name Claim and it looks like this :
Type your “Address” and “Name to Display (Preferable your Bitcointalk Username)” in the box below and leave “Proof of Ownership” for now.
Open your XDE2 Wallet and Open Sign Message box . Type your Address and make sure the message is same like your “Name to Display” in Name Claim Form . E.g If you typed in the Form “sulendra12” , in Sign Message also “sulendra12” too (It’s case sensitive , maybe?)
If done . Click Sign Message and copy the signature below .
Back to the Name Claim site . Paste your signature into “Proof of Ownership” and Click Submit
And done “Successfully Registered Richlist Address” to check your address go to Richlist Menu : http://www.presstab.pw/phpexplorer/XDE2/richlist.php
Press Ctrl+F or search and type your name .
amounts of xde2 have been moved. If you wish to sell it , then sell MAX 2 coins a week on the SELL SIDE ONLY!
If I find someone dumping the rewards, you will be banned from the promotion.
new to Crypto, then PM me to look at your account. NO NEWBIE accounts, don’t waste your time asking.

Marketing Payments: 10 max for each category!
(10) Full Articles and Ann./OP @ 3 XDE2 each (10) Chat in troll box/Thread/FB/Twitter Posts @ 1 XDE2 each
Right click and save, then change your avatar:
Additional Bonus: If your wallet shows that you have not moved any coins, you’ll get a bonus of 2 XDEII for that week.
Another way to earn XDE2: (NO LIMIT on payout): Bring someone into XDE2 and if they participate (doing name claim, promoting), we will pay you 5 XDE2 for each person that particulates with xde2. They must participate by doing a name claim and promote AND state that you brought them here. PM all of your friends here and tell them about XDE2.
Before I send rewards , I will check your wallet (that is the reason for the name claim). If you have moved no more than 2 coins maximum that week, then, no penalty. If you move over 2 coins, you will lose your privilege to participate, and will be paid NOTHING for the previous week, and will be BANNED FROM THE PROMOTION!!!.

2. Send exactly 500 XDE2 to your new address and copy and paste the TX hash in notepad app.
3. Wait for 30 confirmations
4. Open Help -> Debug window -> Tab console
5. Type “masternode outputs” and copy and paste down the output in notepad
6. Type “masternode genkey” and copy and paste down the output
7. Menu Masternodes -> Button Create
8. Alias: Name of the masternode (can be anything)
9. Address: Public ip address and port, use for example “123.456.789.123:62884” (You can find your IP address here: http://ipaddress.com/
10. PrivKey: The output of the “masternode genkey” command (step 6)
11. TxHash: The left hand side of the output of “masternode outputs” (step 5)
12. Output Index: The right hand side of the output of “masternode outputs” (step 5). Its usually just 0. Just type 0 if you dont know.
masternode outputs example: { “159eea4303125de0a60fbce8d362778cfe915166d42de1339d9bc79523d9e9a8” : “0” } The left hand side is the TxHash “159eea4303125de0a60fbce8d362778cfe915166d42de1339d9bc79523d9e9a8” and the right hand side is 0 (zero)
Make sure port 62884 is forwarded in your router to your computer. Example 192.168.1.XX and that you firewall (like Windows Firewall) accepts connection on this port.


inflation without control causes the coin to crash and burn every time.
or no notice, we may cut the POS % rate at any time.