Updates from the Mintcoin Team:
New Wallet Released - Recommended Upgrade
This is a security and maintenance patch for the 2.0 branch of MintCoin. As work towards the 2.1 overhaul is being extended, we are continuing to make adjustments and forward compatibility patches to our current release branch (2.0). Included in this release are a number of updates related to security. Though mostly edge cases, we feel it is important to include such patches for completeness.
- Support for 3rd party transaction URLs
Security / dependencies updates
CLI / GUI upadtes
Misc. updates
This release is NOT contained in the master branch of the MINT repository, it is in the 2.0 branch exclusively! The 2.0 branch contains backports from our development repos that were custom tailored specifically for the 2.0 branch of MINT. Rather than deal with a chain of rebases, we decided to branch off the 2.0 tree from master. The process for compiling this release yourself contains the additional step of making sure you have the correct branch (or tag) checked out.
More info at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=450381.msg14070605#msg14070605
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Community Donations Greatly Appreciated
Windows (2.0.2) | Mac (2.0.2) | Linux (2.0.2)
Official bootstrap updated include all blocks up to 3250000 or 1/4/17
Mintcoin is a community owned and operated pure PoS coin.
Send your coins to your wallet and earn high yielding interest for saving your coins while securing the Mintcoin network.
Mintcoin Specifications
- Pure PoS
- 30 seconds block target
- Difficulty retargets every block
- PoS Min/Max Age: 20/40 days
- PoS variable interests:
- 1st year: 20%
- 2nd year: 15%
- 3rd year: 10%
- 4th and subsequent years: 5% (Current rate, although we are not in 4th year)
- 4 confirmations for transaction, thus fast 2 mins confirmation for transactions
- 50 confirmations for minted blocks
- Ports: 12788 (connection) and 12789 (RPC)
Mintcoin: Recent Statistics
~Mintcoin Original Launch Date: February 06, 2014
The following stats provided by coolbeans94 are based on the most current information as of Dec. 6th, 2016:
According to the best data I can find, Mintcoin’s POS reward was at the 10% APR for a total of approximately 347 days, and produced 1.3 billion coins in that time. From approximately 22.6 billion coins on 12/21/2015 to 23.9 billion on 12/2/2016. This means the MINT network produced an average of 3.75 million new coins per day during that time. This works out to about a 6.1% APR increase in the money supply. If every Mintcoin in existence was consistently minting, then we would expect a 10% increase in the money supply during this time. But this is not the case, and from this we can see that only about 60.1% of the coins were actually actively minted (minting participation rate).
In the last year, minters received approximately 10% APR increase in their coins, while the inflation of the money supply was only 6.1%. So the minter outperforms the increase in the money supply (inflation effects) by approximately 64%.
Mintcoin’s POS reward is now at 5% APR so all else equal, the money supply will increase by about 650 million coins or 3.05% over the coming year. Minters will receive 5% APR, thus still outperforming the increase in the money supply (inflation effects) by approximately 64%.
The minter, will always outperform the inflation rate because not all coins are minted.
Many coins have been lost over the years and are out of circulation, but all coins that exist are still considered part of the money supply as there is no way to accurately account for them as some may be held on exchanges or offline or not minted for whatever reason. As long as you are consistent to mint at least once per year you will get the full 5% APR which will always be more than the inflation rate.
Social Networking
Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Reddit | Kiwi IRC | Youtube | Slack
^Social Links^
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**Community Block Explorers**
Payment Solutions Supporting MINT
Seeking collaborators and contributors.
Mintcoin Faucets
Donate: MimMSTbKZP1hRCcNRbnJjg3gtkCm1nwsXu
Donate: MXNH23juP3k44wZLPNMc485BucZ3TfNbAE
Additional Documentation
Documentation of mintcoin’s software, development, and infrastructure history with dates of important events and reference URLs
Mintcoin history thread
Interested in joining our team? Contact [email protected]